Suggestions on "Medicalization of Obesity and Fitness"

Suggestions on "Medicalization of Obesity and Fitness"



Thank you for sharing. Your page provoked me to think that a lot of "fitness" related content we consume on a daily basis are surrounding the topic of "obesity" instead of "healthy lifestyle". As you have pointed out, even when one isn't obese according to the WHO standards, the photoshopped photographs from influencers and advertisements about easy weight loss methods (e.g. diet gummies) encourage individuals to strive for the "ideal body type". Your contribution is related to our class content, and the language used can be understood fairly easily. However, I would suggest to include your sources to strengthen your arguments and to make sure of subtitles to organize the content accordingly. Also, it would also be interesting if you can explore how an individual's cultural, political, economic, societal and/or situational context might affect their perception of obesity and fitness, and related medicalization.

YinLamChan (talk)04:41, 27 July 2019