Practical suggestions

Practical suggestions

Hi there!

I loved reading your wiki page, it was very interesting and informative. However, I would like to make a few minor suggestions.

I think it would be nice to talk about the effect of media on the experience of female aging. I love how you talk about the portrayal of older females as “have it all” but if you incorporated the effect of portraying older females as such has on women’s experience of aging. I did some research and there’s a journal article called “Medicalization of Women’s Third Age” by Kaufert and Lock that seems to explore this idea nicely. This article mentions the shifts in the representation of female aging in media which would blend nicely in the section of “Shifts in cultural views on the body”. I would love to read some further research in this regard!

In addition, I see you talk about the anti-aging plastic surgery allowing women to “modify their physical features in accordance to their desired self-image and social identity”. I suggest you develop further on the construction of social identity and self-image and how does the aging process influence and affect this identity? This might be an interesting subtopic to explore!

Lastly, the advantage of wiki pages is the fact that you can hyperlink other articles and websites throughout your wiki page such that the reader can easily access it. Remember that the reader may not be familiar with some general terms or concepts that you consider to be “general knowledge”. For example, I am personally not familiar with the concept of “cultural bias” or “social labeling” and a link to a wiki page explaining that would have been helpful. This allows you to establish context and create connections between you and other users of Wikipedia.

Overall, your wiki page was really enjoyable, well done! :)

Mery (Lijie) Hu Zhao (talk)03:10, 2 December 2018

Thank you so much for taking your time and going through everything! I will try to incorporate your suggestions!

WenyanBu (talk)08:14, 2 December 2018