

Hey Jina,

Great topic! Prior to reading this page, I had very little to no knowledge about homophobia in Korea. This was very informative. Something I would suggest to you is to perhaps expand on the impact of globalization on homophobia in Korea. You mention it in the introduction, which touches briefly on the topic. I think globalization is an extremely relevant topic today and has huge influence in all aspects of life including culture as well as politics. Recent anti-homophobic trends in Western countries (such as Canada, the US, UK, France, etc.) have had significant effects on nations worldwide. If a country does reflect homophobic tendencies, they get backlash for it (as seen with the controversy in Russia where President Vladimir Putin defended anti-gay laws). I think this is something that could add breadth to your topic, as it expands on the understanding of the homophobic situation in Korea. Awesome work!


KimNguyen (talk)22:17, 6 April 2015