Practical suggestion

Practical suggestion

Hey Jina!

As a Korean myself, I was really interested in your wiki topic and was relieved to see it being critically analyzed in this course! I personally think that Korea is slowly opening up to accepting homosexual communities, however, I think it's important to note that many people are still only theoretically supportive of it. I feel like expanding on Korea's long standing Confucian values and patriarchy would provide a bit more information and background for readers, many of whom who may not be familiar with Asian communities. What you have now is great, but I feel like a bit more could do.

I also liked your in-depth explanation of the Korean media and their portrayal of these communities. Korea has a prominent, "underground" LGBT community that is very present in Western epicenters such as in cities like Itaewon. Maybe including information of these communities and the public perception towards it can be a useful addition!

All in all, this is a great topic. Thank you for doing this!

SeungJinKim (talk)20:27, 3 April 2015