Interesting topic

Interesting topic

I never thought about creating such a topic of twitch streamer and feminism. You are right that all female streamers tend to show their feminine side more to the viewers, and have to deal with the male gaze through the computer the whole time during the stream. Even though they are not stripping for money, a lot of sarcastic (trolls) viewers tend to make a joke on it as well, making the streamers rather uncomfortable. As a female streamer myself, I definitely think that this free online broadcasting opportunity definitely created a whole new platform for viewers and broadcasters to freely share their moments. But because of that, this streaming scene is tending to cause a bit more of feminine trouble than expected. Overall I enjoy this wiki page a lot, and great idea!

GaYoungKim (talk)01:41, 8 April 2016

the categories are too scattered, and can be summed up in one as there are not enough info. in most of them.

GaYoungKim (talk)04:09, 9 April 2016