


This is a great topic you have chosen, as I personally know many immigrants who have come to Canada and struggled to find work, either it be from education credentials not being recognized, or the issue of language/accents. I think the sub-headings you currently have really help structure your article. Though, I think that your topic can become more meaningful if you were to address the difference in hardships women from different immigrant countries receive. For instance, while European women immigrants may still receive these difficulties, they may have it easier than Asian women. In particular to a city in Vancouver, Asian women may not have a huge sense of difficulty finding employment due to the large Asian population; whereas, a Caribbean woman may struggle due to the lack of community of her ethnicity in the city. By including these comparisons, your article can better distinguish the different issues of employment immigrant women from around the world face.

AnkieWong (talk)16:54, 26 July 2019