File Naming Significance - Draft Section

File Naming Significance - Draft Section

Edited by author.
Last edit: 17:19, 28 October 2022

Significance (draft)[wikitext]

Consistently using a file naming convention is an essential component of the long term preservation of digital records. File names should be both human-readable and machine-readable, meaning that the people and computer software interacting with cIRcle files are able to recognize and understand these files' names. If a file name is not human-readable (e.g., lacks a descriptive name), content may be lost or accidentally overwritten. If a file name is not machine-readable (e.g., contains spaces or unsupported special characters), computer software may fail to open the file rendering it unusable.

The naming guidelines that follow are designed to provide files with concise yet descriptive names that help ensure content can be found, opened, and maintained for as long as possible.

ClaireSwanson (talk)16:31, 15 September 2022

I like this significance section, too!

KellyGauvin (talk)23:15, 20 October 2022

I like how the OER Accessibility Toolkit uses the header "Key Concepts". Consider renaming "Significance" heading to "Key Concepts: File Names Should Be Readable" or something to that effect. Consider doing the same for the File Format Guidelines "Significance" heading.

Tkstephe (talk)20:22, 7 November 2022

headings changed - considering this thread done

ClaireSwanson (talk)18:13, 9 January 2023