File Size

Is there a link to a resource on "reducing file quality"? I'm not sure all of our depositors will now how to do this or what it means.

Consider adding zipping files as an option.

Also, providing both an access copy (compressed) and archival copy (zipped) or, at the least, recommend they contact us if they have/need to submit larger files.

Tkstephe (talk)19:29, 7 November 2022

will look into. but regarding zip files - the display of zipped files in OC is inaccessible so zipped files might be something to revisit in general re: when they can/should be used

ClaireSwanson (talk)22:32, 7 November 2022

By inaccessible, do you mean it creates a barrier with regards to accessibility? We do have examples of them If you mean it's a barrier to screenreaders, for example, we can offer it as an example of a thing you can do but there are consequences. Alternatively, you can employ the "use the cIRcle contact us" form. In any case, I would still welcome a link to some information about reducing file quality, if possible, for folks that won't know how.

Tkstephe (talk)00:33, 9 November 2022

This was a good overview about how to reduce file size for text types but it's from CRA and it doesn't cover a/v files. There has to be something better. If not, maybe we can compile info for the file types we support in a new resource.

Tkstephe (talk)23:48, 8 December 2022

VPL has this guide that includes information about compressed data and lossless/lossy files (which cover multiple format types but especially relevant for audio files)

In terms of guides for HOW to reduce file size of a/v materials, I'm also not finding much in the way of guides that aren't just blog posts (which seems weird to me, so I'll need to do some more digging) - Not sure how people feel about using Vimeo as a source, but their video compression post actually seems pretty straight forward and will hopefully be a somewhat stable link?

A lot of the other search results I get are direct links to file compressors, but I don't usually like to directly link to software that UBC doesn't work with

ClaireSwanson (talk)19:47, 18 January 2023