Previous Measures : How can we improve?

I like where you're going with the idea sexual behaviour is more deeply engrained in our identified gender. At least, definitely more so than activities such as putting on makeup.

Regarding fluidity of sexual orientation, I was getting at whether or not GD could be predictive of increased likelihood bisexual behaviour. Studies have shown that women, more than men, are more fluid in their sexuality (More women report bisexual experiences than men), but there are more reported homosexual men than homosexual women.

Regarding relationship success, I was considering the possibility that gender differences in communication may affect relationships, but I realized earlier that there is a section on marital status in this posting.

Great work on the Occupational Interests section! Really well-written.

Schuolee (talk)21:19, 5 August 2013

Thanks, actually the areas of bisexuality and its fluidity interests really interests me too, I heard similar things about it being more fluid among women, I wonder why this is. I had no idea there were differences in more reports of homosexual men than women. Great topic. Would be interesting to examine. I appreciate the editing! It looks clear.

DorothyNeufeld (talk)21:52, 5 August 2013