Previous Measures : How can we improve?

yes, this is what I am thinking. In further studies, researchers might examine GD of homosexualities based on opposite sexes because participants’ sexual orientations and gender identities role in society do really effect the reliability of GD in this research. For future research, participants can be equal sample size of Lesbians and gays, maybe the same method to test the masculine and feminine extents of gay men and lesbian women (or do you have a better way to examine?). Do you agree or any advise?

SunnyZHENG (talk)22:13, 4 August 2013

I agree, we know from research (some summarized in this paper) that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are more likely to experience stigma, bullying, harassment, and as a result negative physical and mental health behaviours and outcomes. Future research could look at the extent to which this is due to gender nonconformity and a GD scale like ours would be perfect to do this.

JaimieVeale (talk)03:50, 6 August 2013