How stress levels can affect different genders on their personality

Hi Karen, Phoebe and Kevin,

These are all great points to consider for the future study! I totally agree that coping strategies are also really important dealing with stress, if stress level is hard to test it out, the corresponding coping strategies people adapt can be a great future study to associate with personality. Another thing to keep in mind is that women nowadays have accepted to work as equally as men, but they also play an important role at home, this can possibly bring up the role conflict to increase stress levels for women as there is way too much for them to handle. Overall i think coping strategies are a idea to think about!

There are many types of stress, occupational stress is one of the important stress both men and women experience everyday, so I think it is a great type of stress to study for future research. However, although women tend to work equally in today's society as men, some women still do no work; this brings up a limitation which we can only study women with a job for occupational stress. Nevertheless it is a good future research to conduct.

MeiriTian (talk)18:17, 3 August 2013

Great idea. How might the new Gender Diagnosticity scale we've designed help here? do you think asking about gender diagnosticity might tell us more about people's response to stress than just asking their gender itself?

JaimieVeale (talk)19:32, 3 August 2013

I think it might tell us something about their response in a more subconscious level since the items might not be directly addressing their stressful situation or coping strategies. I believe it might be seen as a projective test measuring gender difference to stressors, which we learned in class has its pros and cons.

KarenMChan (talk)03:02, 4 August 2013

While we are talking about how stress affects personalities and the incidence of mental disorders on one gender or the other, I think future research on how sexual abuse and violence in general intersect with gender diagnosticity could be of interest. Men are outnumbered by women in this category, and due to the fact that the consequences of sexual abuse and violence are lingering and are difficult to overcome, they should affect an individual's personality - especially if the abuse happens during the years of formation.

NoraReynoso (talk)06:19, 6 August 2013