DSM diagnoses incorporated into future questionnaires?

Comer mentions obsessive-compulsive disorder has a roughly equal distibution between males and females (Comer, 2010, p. 150). Women outnumber men 2 to 1 with regard to specific phobias (Comer, 2010, p. 135) and generalized anxiety disorder (Ibid, p. 123).

KevinRose (talk)03:02, 31 July 2013

Also I'll reference the DSM IV-TR in case anyone wants to look further into the subject of mental disorders.

KevinRose (talk)03:04, 31 July 2013

What is really cool with the phobias is that they appear to be socialized out of boys and into girls (by boys!) that both sexes are equally phobic until school age.

HeatherDawson (talk)00:29, 5 August 2013