
I think someone has edited on the limitation but carelessly. originally it was two paragraphs, and it was combined into one however, it is not nice to leave it unfluid, such as "Each culture have unique emphasis, and this may allow to inhibit or express certain personality traits, and challenged the certainty of the relationship between gender and personality traits. That is to say, religious belief, as a question...." It is not connecting at all, and I have to edit it again.

YuchengLiang (talk)06:06, 5 August 2013

(It's probably too late now, but) I think there is a way to undo changes.

JaimieVeale (talk)04:19, 6 August 2013

Actually there is a way to review the changes been made. by clicking on the change been made (the contribution link) through the history button, and click on the change someone made on the relative topic, and there is a button called 'diff' and we can compare the former & later version.

YuchengLiang (talk)04:48, 6 August 2013