Update on this section

Update on this section

There are some very good outlines of limitations here. It also seems there is some good work going on with refining these right now. I would suggest that we need to change it to paragraph format rather than a numbered list. The first step to doing this would be to sort these limitations into ones that go together (even if they are not completely the same). The ones that go together could go together in each paragraph. Good luck!

JaimieVeale (talk)23:24, 1 August 2013

Hi Dr. Veale, It looks like your thread was pushed to the bottom so I made a post in the "Merging Posts" thread above regarding your request to make paragraphs. Although I haven't made any changes per se, I made an attempt to cluster the items together and I've listed them in the post as well. Cheers.

Spkwong (talk)05:11, 3 August 2013

I made some minor tweaks to the introduction sentence at the beginning of limitations, it sounded repetitive so hopefully it is a little more clear now.

NicolaVanderliek (talk)07:10, 3 August 2013