Merging Posts


I also think that there is definitely overlap with regards to dual roles; I agree that they should be re-arranged to be closer together. I've also noticed some recent posts that touch on some topics that have been mentioned above as well, such as generalizability and sampling. I don't know if you guys saw Dr. Veale's post down there but she would prefer that we eliminate list format and arrange these limitations into paragraphs instead.

I attempted to cluster the different limitations into different categories and this is what I came up with:

Participant Background: #9, #14 / Participant Bias: #1, #5, #6, #12, #16 / Sample Issues + Generalizability: #2, #15 / Method: #13, #8 / Content: #3, #4, #10 / Language: #7, #11

This is just a suggestion based on my attempt to clump similar topics together. How does everyone feel about this? I haven't actually made any changes on the page yet so anyone can feel free to give it a go! I know there are a number of repetitions to edit out and some sentences to make in order to enhance the flow - so it'll definitely be a challenge.

Spkwong (talk)05:04, 3 August 2013

I think how you put them into different categories looks great! It will be easier to build each categories up when we come up with new ideas.

YuliaKim (talk)05:16, 3 August 2013

I reorganized the content as you suggested. I edited some overlaps but I may have missed some so feel free to edit them.

YuliaKim (talk)07:28, 3 August 2013

The paragraph with bold heading format is much clearer and appears more organized and less daunting to read. Excellent consolidation of points as well--great improvement!

KevinRose (talk)15:16, 3 August 2013

Thanks spkwong for taking on the task of organizing the limitations into different categories. It looks much more polished!

AmandaYuen (talk)17:59, 3 August 2013

Nice work!

JaimieVeale (talk)19:24, 3 August 2013

Good job guys!!The page looks great with different categories!

EmmaC (talk)22:35, 3 August 2013

Hi everyone! This page is very easy to read now that it's been divided into sections! But when I was rereading through this section, I noticed that there was a bit of overlap in the "Sample Issues and Generalizability" section concerning random sampling, so I combined a few of the sentences into one paragraph and added a bit more about how it constrained the external validity of the experiment since the study was lacking in representativeness of the target population. I also added a bit as to why having a control group might be important, since we cannot infer from the data that we gathered that the relationships we found between variables was caused by one another; we can only state that they were correlated. Also, I was wondering if it's all right to explain that one of the limitations was that the experimenters were essentially the participants as well, since I found that this was explained in 3 sections: the "Participant Bias" section, "Experimenter Bias" section and "Method" section. Thanks and let me know what you think!

PhoebeDychinco (talk)00:58, 4 August 2013

Thank you guys for organizing them into categories! It looks much tidier now :) Great job!

DonnaM (talk)03:05, 4 August 2013

I agree, thank you for everyone's input and effort on reorganizing the points into their new sections!

Spkwong (talk)05:45, 4 August 2013