Inclusion of statistics

Inclusion of statistics

Nice work writing this all out! Typically, statistics wouldn't appear in the discussion section, so you may want to consider either moving this to somewhere in the results section, or taking out the statistics and making it completely verbal.

LaurenHuman (talk)18:00, 31 July 2013

Also for clarity I added the word "negative" to female r values in that section.

KevinRose (talk)02:20, 1 August 2013

I think this is a good start and you are showing a good understanding of what we've found. I'd suggest this section be more like a summary of the results - so it will be a bit more brief, and (as Lauren suggests) using words rather than statistics.

JaimieVeale (talk)23:03, 1 August 2013

The statistics and r and d value interpretations have been removed.

KatieNg (talk)23:16, 2 August 2013

Hi, I read this over and it seems very clear to me, nicely done!

KevinRose (talk)15:07, 3 August 2013

I added a bit to the last paragraph by explaining how we don't really have a representative sample because we haev 50 females but only 10 males who completed the survey

ChristopherCheng (talk)23:54, 3 August 2013

I added a section on the gender differences in gender diagnosticity scores. However, should I remove the mean scores seeing how this section is not supposed to contain stats?

CarliSzabo (talk)22:51, 3 August 2013

Yes, you could remove the actual scores from this section and just note that they are similar in magnitude.

LaurenHuman (talk)20:58, 5 August 2013