Looking good

Looking good

The d value description is great - you guys could do the same thing with factor analysis.

JaimieVeale (talk)22:55, 1 August 2013

I was about to continue writing for factor analysis, but I got confused with the factor loading we did in the result part. What exactly is factor loading? Thanks!

MeiriTian (talk)19:21, 2 August 2013

I'll give someone else the opportunity to answer that one!

JaimieVeale (talk)06:07, 3 August 2013

I read your discussion post in result part and I found it in the textbook! Thanks!

MeiriTian (talk)18:19, 3 August 2013

For those who wants to know the answer to the above question: According to the textbook (p.65): "Factor loadings are the indexes of how much of the variation in a personality adjective (eg. aggressiveness) is "explained" by the factor (eg. Extraversion). Factor loadings indicate the degree to which the item correlates with, or "loads on," the underlying factor."

Indilum (talk)05:28, 6 August 2013