Data analysis

Hi there, you are definitely on the right track! I'll let others think about and try to reply to your first question. Your second question is a very good point! I think we should definitely report an estimate for the internal consistency reliability of the final scale. I would suggest we use Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. Would anyone like to have a go at calculating this from the raw data? If not, Lauren or I could do it.

JaimieVeale (talk)03:43, 29 July 2013

Hi everyone,

Apparently, no one has calculated Cronbach's alpha yet. I will finish it this afternoon.

JarrodZhang (talk)22:53, 5 August 2013

How did you go with this? You might be able to find an online calculator or spreadsheet template for this. Or if you have access to statistical software (such as SPSS) you can do it. Maybe too late now!

JaimieVeale (talk)05:39, 6 August 2013