Question development

Question development

Hi all, I've added my subjective impression of how the questions were formulated; please correct me or remind me if any othe instructions were given, or if any of you had a different idea about how you came up with questions. cheers Kevin

KevinRose (talk)16:17, 26 July 2013

Thanks for starting this page Kevin. Nice work. I just added a bit about how we were provided articles to help us create questions that discriminate "male-like" and "female-like" occupations/hobbies. Let me me know what you think. Feel free to edit/delete!

AmandaYuen (talk)22:20, 28 July 2013

Yes thanks and good catch Amanda re the articles! Looks great.

KevinRose (talk)02:37, 30 July 2013

no worries! glad you don't mind the addition.

AmandaYuen (talk)05:59, 30 July 2013

On Dr. Veale's suggestion I cut and pasted two short paragraphs from the Survey section and put them here.

KevinRose (talk)18:29, 2 August 2013