The expansion of gender as a multidimensional construct

Hi there, Gender identity is a slightly different concept from the gender diagnosticity we've used. For example, if you were going to assess it we would ask people of their internal experience of themselves as a man, woman, or something else. In a way we did (kind of) assess it in the first question that asked are you a man or a woman, which was the starting point for finding the "gender diagnostic" items.

It seems our scale was measuring "gender role" rather than gender identity. There might be room for discussion of the difference between gender role and gender identity in this paper though.

JaimieVeale (talk)00:02, 31 July 2013

In trying to expand the content a little bit, I've noticed that the actual description of the traits in masculinity and femininity was not mentioned throughout the introduction of the wiki, so I've added them into this section as it seemed to be the most suitable place to do so. I've also edited the first paragraph so it fits in nicely:) Also, Uni-dimensional seems a better fit to multidimensional as than one-dimensional, since the textbook referred masculinity and femininity as separate dimensions as well.

WilliamNg (talk)21:56, 31 July 2013

Thank you!

I think the sentence: "[Gender Diagnositicity] is not as concrete and limited as a bipolar categorization of either masculinity or femininity. " Needs to be expanded on further. It is going back to a unidimensional masculinity-femininity scales. Here is where we can justify doing this.

JaimieVeale (talk)22:04, 1 August 2013

I think we have mentioned the characteristics of masculinity and femininity dimensions in "Usefulness of Measuring Gender as a Personality Trait" section.

It's already be mentioned that "The masculinity dimension contains items reflecting assertiveness, boldness, dominance, self-sufficiency, and instrumentality while the femininity dimension contains items that reflect nurture, expression of emotion, and empathy."

But since this section is about the dimensioanlity I think this description suits better in this section. I will edit the one on the previous section.

YuliaKim (talk)22:48, 1 August 2013

Just like what I said I tried to edit one of the repeats but as I read both sections I see the necessity of mentioning the characteristics of masculinity and femininity in both section. Do anyone see which part it belongs better?

YuliaKim (talk)22:55, 1 August 2013

I tried to expand the sentence a little and further apply it to our topic, do you guys feel there is anything more to add or if its suitable? Also, I believe that the characteristics is better fitted here than the Usefulness session as it is not necessarily to include them, they just seem more relevant here because we are talking about exactly the dimensions:)

WilliamNg (talk)00:00, 2 August 2013

Hello, I have add the conception of sex roles in the multidimensional scale, feel free to edit if I did not explain them adequately :)

MinZhiLiu (talk)03:10, 4 August 2013

Thanks for tidying up the first paragraph I wrote :) I wasn't quite sure how to start the section since the page was blank but your edits make it fit nicely now!

MonaSabzevari (talk)18:49, 3 August 2013