one remaining question need to address

Hey! In the very first paragraph on this page, there is a very brief reference to what you were saying "Although Gender itself is not generally classified as a personality trait, it incorporates a broad spectrum of characteristics that are; femininity and masculinity being the most prominent." Do you think a more detailed explanation would belong in the "Discussion" portion of the wiki, or if it is even necessary? Also since we are talking about "measuring gender" the question may not be so much "Is gender a personality trait?", as it is "Is gender measurable?", because does it need to be a personality trait for us to be able to measure it?

GordonSeow (talk)10:17, 5 August 2013

Good points! And these all seem to be worth discussing here.

JaimieVeale (talk)16:47, 5 August 2013

hello, Are you saying that instead of asking "Is gender a personality trait?", it will be better to ask "Is gender measurable?" gender may not need to be a personality trait for us to measure, but it correlates to the personality traits such as " big five", and there are gender differences in the big 5 traits. does my answer make sense to you?

MinZhiLiu (talk)23:20, 5 August 2013

Hello! I think what Gordon is trying to say is that the question "is gender a personality trait?" has already been addressed in the very first paragraph of this page. The short answer is that gender itself is not generally classified as a personality trait. However, gender refers to many characteristics that are personality traits, such as femininity/masculinity.

Zleung (talk)03:45, 6 August 2013

Hello Zleung, Thanks a lot!

MinZhiLiu (talk)04:07, 6 August 2013

Hey Min,

What I was saying is that it may not be so important to be asking if gender is a personality trait because we are trying to determine if we can measure and/or predict gender based on personality traits and it doesn't matter so much if gender is a personality trait or not. Just because something is a personality trait that doesn't mean we can measure it, and just because it isn't a personality trait, doesn't mean we can't. Therefore a better question to be asking might be "Is gender measurable?"

GordonSeow (talk)06:30, 6 August 2013