Effects of Gender on Willingness to Report Symptoms of Depression

Oh geez, my apologies! I was evidently a little scatter brained while attempting to write this, and as noted, I missed the mark completely. I also found that article on Gender-Related Traits in Transsexuals and Nontranssexuals fairly recently, and assuming that no one else has decided to grab that yet, would certainly be willing to do a writeup on that instead.

Just a note that I'll be cropping out the depression study sometime today to replace it with the aforementioned study!

LisaYao (talk)20:23, 3 August 2013

Thanks for the evidence of collaborative writing in this section. You might be able to take what you've learned from that article, Lisa, and summarise it somewhere else (perhaps the discussion). Also, the transsexuals article sounds like an interesting and relevant one to summarise here.

JaimieVeale (talk)16:43, 5 August 2013