First paragraph

First paragraph

I must say I really like the first paragraph. I wonder if we could say something linking it to the second paragraph, because the change of subject seems a bit abrupt.

JaimieVeale (talk)19:25, 1 August 2013

Hey Jaimie,

As I mentioned in the other thread, do you think it would be useful to move the definition of gender and sex into paragraph 1 of this thread because even the beginning of this paragraph seems a little abrupt by immediately talking about measuring gender without defining it.

GordonSeow (talk)10:07, 5 August 2013

Hi Gordon - what you say makes sense to me. What do other people think?

JaimieVeale (talk)16:35, 5 August 2013

Hi Gordon, I agree with you in that the change in subjects is abrupt. I think moving the definition of gender and sex into paragraph 1 is a great idea!

Charly Huxford (talk)03:06, 6 August 2013

Thanks Jaimie and Charly, I've removed the "Gender" portion from "2.3" into "2.1" and am editing it as well as adding a bit more on the History.

GordonSeow (talk)03:36, 6 August 2013

Kind of got stuck on editing that first and second paragraph for a long time, but I think I've smoothed it out.

GordonSeow (talk)05:46, 6 August 2013