Possible question

It seems my assessment was not clearly worded and I see that now. Speaking to Dalia's point - just as a point of clarification and curiosity - is your assessment that increasing the minimum wage actually makes it harder to find employment, particularly for the most vulnerable job-seekers based on empirical research?

And although 'poor' was not mentioned in the first posting, I suppose I referring to those individuals who fall below the national poverty line.

JenniferSamuel19:00, 7 February 2011

Is the national poverty line the measurement we want to use? Within that one line, there's also the Low Income Cut-off, which is measured before and after taxation, and thus provides different statistics. Do we want to specify which measurement we mean, or just the national poverty line in general?

TrevorRitchie20:08, 7 February 2011

Yes Jennifer thats what my assessment is ... so I suggest instead of leading people in which i think the below question does: "Would you be personally in favour of a provincial wage increase if such a measure would reduce the overall poverty rate in the province?"

maybe we can instead ask two separate questions.

1. would you be in favor of a provincial wage increase?

answer: a) yes b) no

2. do you think that a provincial wage increase will reduce or increase the overall poverty rate in the province?

and the poor ... was mentioned in another post sorry for the confusion ... but i define poor in the other post.

answer: a) increase b) decrease c) not make an impact

something along those lines.

DaliaElramly21:06, 7 February 2011

I agree with DaliaElramly in the sense that we are breaking down the question into two parts, rather than having one very long question. Also, it would also get opinions regarding whether or not people see the need for increasing minimum wage, regardless of how it will improve the overall poverty line rate in the province, and then the next question will be on what they think the impact would be.

NadineAbdulHadi04:01, 8 February 2011