Possible question

Speaking to Ekateryna's point, it may be useful to break the concept of government assistance into seperate categories of those able earners and disadvantaged earners (by this I mean, those who fall within the lower-income earning bracket and are disabled/otherwise mentally incapable of earning their utmost potential). We could pose a question regarding to what degree respondents believe government assistance is warranted. I say this, because people may carry a bias/stigma against welfare recipients who are physically/mentally capable of earning their wages, but are too 'lazy' to do so. By breaking the concept down, we eliminate the possibility for bias to mar their responses. The question we could pose is:

"To what extent do you believe provincial governments are responsible for financially compensating incapable low-income earners": a.) much intervention b.) some intervention c.) no intervention

JenniferSamuel21:11, 2 February 2011

Regarding government assistance, we could also add another question "In terms of the amount of money that is spent on assistance to the under privileged, do you think we are spending too much, too little, or about the right amount? " and then a more detailed second part: "Why do you thin that?"

NadineAbdulHadi03:56, 8 February 2011