Topics in political institution reform

To summerize for late commers such as myself, these are the current questions we are considering:

  • Senate Reform*

Q1:"What would you like to see happen to the Senate?" - Become elected - Have term limits - Be provincially equal (same number for all provinces) - Abolished

Q2: Rank the following from most undemocratic (0) to most democratic (5) feature about the Senate? __ Senators can sit until 75 years old, __ Senators are appointed, __ Senators are not provincially equal, __ The Senate follows HoC, __The Senate has a ridiculously high salary for what they do ($132,000)

  • Electoral Reform*

Q3: Do you believe the current electoral system (FPTP) provides a fair result? A: - Yes/All the time, -Yes/Most of the times, -Yes/50% of the times, -No/Rarely, -No/Never

Q4: "Which of the following electoral systems do you think is the most fair?" - First Past the Post - Alternative Vote - Proportional Representation - Single Transferable Vote - Mixed Member Plurality - Don't Know

RileyPatterson01:29, 3 February 2011