Topics in political institution reform

Thanks Connor for bringing up STV, I don't know why I totally forgot. Ok so we've narrowed down electoral reform, should we ask two questions on this topic? Here are some possibilities:

"How did you vote in the 2008 referendum on changing our First Past the Post electoral system to Single Transferable Vote?"

- Yes - No - Did Not Vote

"Which of the following electoral systems do you think is the most fair?" - First Past the Post - Alternative Vote - Proportional Representation - Single Transferable Vote - Mixed Member Plurality - Don't Know

I like Markus's idea for specific reasons as to why people would feel (assuming that they do feel) the senate is ineffective. My only worry is how would we use that data? Would we rank it like "unelected" is 0-2, and so on. I guess this would only be an issue graphically. Possible questions for this topic could be:

"What would you like to see happen to the Senate?" - Become elected - Have term limits - Be provincially equal (same number for all provinces) - Abolished

We could have two questions on the senate and our last question could be for private members bills/judiciary? Also, does anyone have any research questions so we could base our questions on that question? I don't know if it's mandatory for us to create the whole scientific method design thing, but it may be useful to have one.

Also, I'd like to welcome the new members to our group :)

DeanieWong22:58, 2 February 2011