Topics in political institution reform

I strongly agree with Deanie's point that the question about Senators' salaries has to be put in context to make the question more neutral and to inform the participant.

To recap, some roles of Senators include: - attending caucus meetings and voice concerns - voicing regional/territorial interests - reviewing legislation and delaying and/or voting down bills (like the recent bill on climate change that passed the Lower House) - sitting on committees and studying issues - giving announcements on behalf of the government - meeting with constituents, hosting roundtables, etc.

Again responding to Deanie, the recent prostitution ruling by the Ontario Superior Court brought the power of judges into the public spotlight. Some complained that prostitution should be a matter of the House of Commons, not the judiciary. Then again, by using an example of a judicial ruling, the question would be tainted – some would evaluate the question as relating to prostitution (or whatever example) as opposed to the power of the judiciary.

AaronLeung22:43, 3 February 2011