Questions on Senate Reform

Grace, I worry about asking how knowledgeable people are about the senate because our scale would be arbitrary. How would we know, and how would the responders know, what a knowledge level of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 is? We could maybe ask, "Do you know how the Canadian Senate works?" Yes/No, but then again, I don't see what information we could get from those response. I see now that senate reform questions are difficult because we don't know how much people know about the senate. I fear we'll only get "no" or "I don't know" responses.

Adding to Blythe's line of thinking we could potentially give the current number of senators each 'region' gets and ask whether it should stay the same, if regions should get same number of senators, or if each province should get the same number of senators? (and then we may need to take the territories into consideration, they all currenty get one).

DeanieWong22:38, 7 February 2011