Survey Sample

I'm not too sure whether we are administrating the complete survey (i.e. surveys are compiled of the whole class's questions) or we are simply handing out just our survey with 5 questions, but either way our issue is immigration settlement, thus looking at immigrant's experiences and the data we collect them would be our focus. If the first arrangement is the case, then those who aren't considered immigrants wouldn't answer our survey questions, since their answers would be of no use to us (that is, if we are sticking to the two surveys proposed thus far). If the latter is what the professor wants us to do, then the immigrants of lower mainland would be our individual units of analysis.

Midas - My point of not wanting to stuck to solely UBC students was based on the idea that we might be going along with the research proposal of economic status before arriving in B.C. affecting opportunities and settlement progress thereafter. My reasons for were obviously because students wouldn't necessarily be able to know their family's financial status beforehand, nor perhaps be able to access such information from parents/guardians. If we were to go along the route of the ESL research topic, sticking to university students, as you've mentioned UBC, SFU, Langara, etc. would definitely not be a bad idea.

MinjeongShin02:14, 7 February 2011