Survey Sample

Hey Cyrille,

I think sticking to lower mainland is definitely the smart thing to do. I think taking a random sample from lower mainland, which has a rich immigrant population, would definitely provide us with some really good results. I think maybe we all want to state which region of the lower mainland we reside in (i.e. UBC, Vancouver, W. Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, etc.) and we can all collect 6 respondents (I think that's what the prof said, if I'm not mistaken?) from each region.

Some people previously brought up the suggestion of sticking to UBC students. I think the major flaw here would be the age and occupation range - i.e. younger population who may not have had full careers, or even those who may have moved here too young to properly recount their first few years of settlement experiences. If we were to especially go along the route of asking about previous income status, current income status, etc. students wouldnt be able to really provide a useful response as they would have in majority relied upon their parents.

MinjeongShin08:12, 5 February 2011