Question content, Scope, Purpose

Hi everyone!

I agree with narrowing down the immigration group in to different sections, ad Cyrille proposed, however at the same time using more social categories as well. I think while classification based on economic value is important, the social aspect for differentiation should be looked at. First of all, do you think that after establishing who an immigrant is, that it is important to define the number of years they have been here? They could answer from a choice of for exemple: 1-5, 5-10, 10-20, etc? I think this is important to account for as their views may be different regardless of their immigrant status, from their experiences and feelings towards Canada. Also, where do second generation immigrants fit in?

Another important question would be to establish the motive in moving to Canada. The issue on wealthy immigrants has been brought up already, however, asking the level of dependence in Canada on certain issues is important to consider, as it can also affect their involvement with government and their community. For exemple, "For you, Canada provides you most importantly with: a.economic satisfaction satisfaction and safety (something along those lines) and c.a little bit of both.....What I want to establish basically, is the level of importance of aspects such as economic, social, safety etc for immigrants and their purpose in being here, as it may afect the level of involvement within governmental issues, community, etc (one who might view Canada as a provider of safety and societal satisfaction might have different views and involvement within their government and community, as they might value it more than one who has recently moved here with foreign money and does not feel as dependent on Canada- more on personal satisfaction than the other scenario of gained liberty and other freedoms).

I guess I am concerned with that last idea, because speaking from experience as an immigrant who moved mostly for obtaining a life of more freedoms and , my family and I value civic responsibility and involvement more than I have seen in other immigrants who are very "wealthy" and do not feel as strong of a bond to this country.

Mayramariavillarreal00:20, 1 February 2011