Question content, Scope, Purpose

Hey everyone,

I'm stepping a bit outside the box on the current research suggestions on immigrant settlement, so bear with me. Rather than grouping all immigrants together under one research question, i'd like to split the survey between two types of immigrants: wealthy immigrant settlers in Canada and the less advantageous immigrants. While many immigrants arrive to Canada with little money in search of better opportunities, the Canadian government also places substantial emphasis on recruiting wealthy foreigners through the Business Immigration Programme. There is no question that many of these immigrants arrive with the necessary resources to thrive in their new setting, however, does the Canadian government pay as close attention to less fortunate immigrants and provide them with equal opportunities at success?

The proposed research question could be, "Does the Canadian government provide equal opportunities and resources to all Canadian immigrants?". The sample could be asked "what their income was in their previous country" prior to arriving in Canada and then they would be split into two groups: wealthy/well off and middle/lower income immigrants. From a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest, 1 the lowest), members of both groups could then be asked to answer the following: 1) "since settling in Canada, how well has the Canadian government provided you and your family with the resources and opportunities to adapt to your new surroundings socially and financially?"

Just an idea. It's bordering on the immigrant settlement and immigrant admission, but it is a possible question I find interesting and we could brainstorm and improve upon.

CyrillePanadero02:40, 28 January 2011