Question content, Scope, Purpose

Hello Elysia, Jom, and Group,

Are we suggesting a research question along the lines of "Does higher government funding on immigration settlements decrease the level of poverty among new immigrants?". I think this is a good start but it may be a bit too broad to analyze. This question can be broken down into three parts: 1. government funding on immigration settlements 2. Income of immigrants 3. How immigrants utilize government funded settlement programs. Therefore, I think we need to figure out which part(s) we want to focus on.

I am also interested in finding out to what extent these programs are utilized by immigrants. I don't think the funding has a direct influence on the effectiveness of the programs, because immigrants may not even know that these programs are available. Therefore, I think doing a research on how often immigrants utilize settlement programs and how they learn about these programs would be interesting. Questions can include: "How many government funded immigrant settlement programs do you know of? a. More than 10 b. 6 - 9 c. Less than 5 d. None" "How many of these programs have you participated in? (skip this question if you answered "d" in the last question) a. All of them b. Some of them c. None of them"

Sze Wan Carmen Tsang03:20, 27 January 2011