Question content, Scope, Purpose

Hi again!

Okay so I read all the responses from where I last left off and wow, first of all we definetly have to narrow down the AREA of research and come up with a question or two. I like how there have been a few questions proposed earlier (5), that's a start, and after reading other ones I came up with an idea for a question,

First however, like I mentioned before, and the previous student supported, the respondants should identify themselves within categories: recent immigrant (first generation), immigrant (more general, for those who have been here for 5 years +) and Canadian. As mentioned before, it is important as well as very interesting to see What KIND of person (even if they are clasifying themselves as that) is anwering which answers in our research (perhaps this way we can detect more biases or external/third variables affecting the answers). AS for who should be asked, I suggest spreading it around so we are not faced with the sample convenience problem which may lack validity for population generalizability and our further research. Thus, maybe asking a few people walking downtown, some on a bus stop, some on campus and others at a grocery store or rec center. This will be able to take a little bit of the different types of people- perhaps working people, metropolitan, family members, students, etc.

Now, as for the question, we could focus on a question like this: "How the government's program initiatives for facilitating immigrants affects the allocation of the immigrant in to that area?" Here we can see how much the government is thus affecting immigration in to regions, like BC or even Canada....I propose we do our reserach on "Vancouver and the lowermainland"- that way if we are all from different places around here we can very well have a valid sampling variety of respondants, also as they would differ if we ask in different places (also depicting different lifestyles) like in the city area, bust stop, etc.

a Theory to that question I proposed could be something involving governmental efforts and programs established in the Vancouver and lowermainland area and its effect on immigrants there. How those programs provide assitance and resources to integrate as an immigrant, and in effect the decision of immigrant allocation in a particular area within Van. Something alongthose lines...

Anyways, let's start agreeing on the basics and then progress together with the details. LEt me know what you think about what I have suggested and even the question and theory etc..

Mayramariavillarreal08:24, 3 February 2011