Question content, Scope, Purpose

I agree with what the last two ladies brought up - we need to bring a focus point and then propose a theory and hypothesis before we can develop the five concrete survey questions that are asked of us. It also seems too narrow for us to target a specific demographic, thus we should make these questions correspond to the BC residents in general.

The questions that Lucy proposed seem to be developing a theory that addresses attitudes and tolerance towards multiculturalism and immigration (if I'm not mistaken?)My only concern is that are we going to be researching into a casual relationship between attitudes/tolerance and settlement issues that immigrants face? Or is it that perhaps we would be left to assume a casual relationship as it may not directly deal with immigrant settlement, thus not fully addressing the issue of settlement directly. I like the third question you posed about multiculturalism, although I think using the term "respectful" may be misleading as what would this exactly mean? Not everyone may agree on what being "respectful" exactly entails, which could include showing public support for, or having an open mind to, or giving funding to promote multiculturalism, etc. Perhaps we should reword this question in more specifics, such as questioning whether the government puts priority or importance(i.e. funding, public support, etc.) into this policy, whether the respondents actually know of any government actions to support this policy, etc.

If we were to go along with this question, I think would be back to specifically government involvement in affecting immigrant settlement. That is whether government support, be that in funding, offered programs, opportunities, etc. increase/decrease immigrant income, careers, etc. Other questions that would be within this area of research could be the questions that we used previously, such as asking if respondents knew or participated in any programs or opportunities that the government had provided, and then perhaps within the same question ask how much of an impact these have had on their income, career, etc. If we were to make it a survey open to BC respondents in general, we should ask if they know of such programs, and how important or what impacts they think these to have on immigrants.

MinjeongShin21:31, 2 February 2011