Question content, Scope, Purpose

I also agree that we need to have a draft of questions to work with now so that we could ameliorate them.

I was also wondering if we could narrow our sample down to surveying only those that would identify themselves as immigrants (hence first generation Canadians). If so, then we would not need to ask the following question.

- What is your status in Canada? (a) permanent residence (b) international student (c) Canadian born citizen (d) other - this is to identify the person

Below is my attempt at condensing what we have discussed into a few survey questions

(1) I am financially better off now than before immigrating to Canada. (a) strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d)Disagree (d) Strongly disagree - to see if immigrants are better off or worst off after settling in Canada

(2) Most people in my community are of the same ethnic background as me. (a) strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d)Disagree (d) Strongly disagree - maybe those who selected "agree" to the previous question would choose "disagree" in this question. If so, then perhaps this suggests that immigrants whom are unable to integrate themselves with people of another ethnicity earn much less than their other more multicultural counterparts

(3) I primarily speak English at work. (a) strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d)Disagree (d)strongly disagree - If "agree" = then see if they are now earning much more as Canadian immigrants than they did back where they came from. (to see if there is correlation between English language ability and income)

(4) I feel included and integrated socially and politically as a Canadian citizen. (a) strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d)Disagree (d) Strongly disagree

(5) I participated in ______ government funded programs as a new immigrant. (a) 1 - 2 (b) 3 - 4 (c) 5 - 6 (d)7 - 8 (e)9 - 10 or more - see if new immigrants that participated in more governmental programs are economically better off relative to those whom participated in less gov. funded programs.

Lets come up with questions to work with, and to vote for the best five perhaps by Sunday since this assignment is due on Tuesday. Please edit! I'm not sure if some questions like "i primarily speak English at work" is too simplistic or not.

  • wording, sequence of questions...etc
ElysiaLee03:07, 2 February 2011