Question content, Scope, Purpose

Hey everyone,

I think everyone has some really good ideas. I just want to remind everyone that we have to collaboratively condense all this information above into 5 research questions. So far from all that i've read, most questions propose two theoretical factors, and i think now we need to 'operationalize' to get two measurable factors. I think instead of getting onto the topic of definition differences and continuing to increase our scope, we should start condensing everyone's thoughts into questions that we can actually use for the survey.

Heres just a brief summary of what questions were provided above...

- How is Information miscommunicated to new immigrants due to language barriers? - Cultural integration Questions: o Whether respondents would find it beneficial to have immigrants mandatorily participate in cultural events o Do you reside within a community that is primarily occupied by: Caucasian, Other immigrants, Fellow ethnic immigrants o Why do immigrants feel segregated from the rest of Canadian society? o Why do immigrants have difficulty transitioning/settling into life in Canada - Income discrimination Questions: - ‘Does higher gov funding on immigration settlements decrease the level of poverty among new immigrants?” - Settlement program/Govt funding Questions: - How often immigrants utilize settlement programs and how they learn about these programs o How many govt funded immigrant settle programs do you know of? o How many of these programs have you participated in? - What effect does govt funding of immigration services have on immigrants’ career success? - Does the CDN govt provide equal opportunities and resources to all Canadian immigrants?

I think one last thing we need to keep in mind is this question........... "How many government funded immigrant settlement programs do you know of? a. More than 10 b. 6 - 9 c. Less than 5 d. None" "How many of these programs have you participated in? (skip this question if you answered "d" in the last question) a. All of them b. Some of them c. None of them".......... counts for 2 questions.

I believe the easiest & most impartial way for us as a group to focus our questions may be to use the 5 examples that Prof. Owens gave us in the original thread... and gear one research question to each example provided. *e.g. accommodation, assimilation, multiculturalism, tolerance, language etc*

Do we think this is a reasonable idea to move forward with?

JanQuinnYu23:01, 1 February 2011