Income inequality and opportunities among immigrants in BC

Thanks for the feedback Alex and Minjeong! I've read over both of your posts and you both provide some valid points that could definitely add to the effectiveness of the proposed RQ.


I think the question you provided on immigrants prior knowledge (if any) of english or french would be an asset for this survey. It could help us determine whether or not language also had an effect on a new immigrants ability to adjust in BC, and whether it is as strong or a stronger indicator than income in determining whether an immigrant has more opportunities to succeed compared to others. I'd definitely like to add it to the list of questions previously brought up, however, I'd like to know if there's a certain limit to the number of questions we are allowed to ask per survey? If yes, then we would need to collaborate and decide which question(s) is least relevant and should be removed, otherwise we'd need to reconstruct the questions so that that all our variables of interest can be expressed effectively in 5 questions or less.

Though I understand where you are coming from in your second question, I feel the idea put forth on "Canadian cultural norms" is too difficult a concept to interpret. What exactly are Canadian cultural norms? How would we define it? Just my thoughts, others may disagree with me on it though!


Your breakdown of the research questions are great and after going over your response I also think it is necessary to revise the questions. For question 3, we should definitely all come up with ways to decide how an immigrant can accurately place him or herself within the categories.Perhaps we can alter the question and ask what range their average salary was in their previous country based on the country's average annual income Also, I am all for providing a short paragraph introducing and defining the significance of question 4. The two theories you offer do a better job than I did in explaining the proposed objectives I was looking for and I think we should use one of the two. Personally I favor the first theory, however hopefully more people comment asap so we can all decide together which one the consensus prefers.

CyrillePanadero09:52, 4 February 2011