Income inequality and opportunities among immigrants in BC

Alright, since this is due in about an hour, and this is by far the thread with the most activity, it seems like this will end up being our research question. I went through and compiled all of the questions, and tried to incorporate all of the suggested changes (sorry if I missed yours!) and incorporated some of my own as well. I think we kind of lost our focus, so it’s important to keep the initial research question in mind. Obviously, there are too many questions here, so please indicate which ones sound the best. I think that 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 are the most important (I also like 3, but I’m not sure that it’s completely relevant).

Research Question: Do immigrants arriving with a higher source of income and wealth in their previous country receive better opportunities and resources than less wealthy immigrants?

1) How many years have you been a resident of BC? (a) less than 1 (b) 1-3 years (c) 3-5 (d) 5-10 (e) 10-15 (f) more than 15

2) What was your region of origin before arriving to BC? (a) North America/Caribbean (b) South America (c) Western Europe (d)Eastern Europe (e) Middle East and Africa (f) Asia-Pacific (g) Southeast Asia (h) Australia/NZ/Islands

3) Prior to immigrating to BC, to what extent were you at all familiar or trained in the English or French language? (a) not at all (b) basic or elementary level (c) moderate or intermediate level (d) fluency

4) Prior to immigrating to BC, to what extent were you exposed (through electronic or print media, etc) to what you would now consider 'Canadian cultural norms'? (a) not at all (b) a minor extent (c) enough to enable significant familiarity (d) complete exposure; seamlessly adjusted to Canadian lifestyle

5) How would you say your current economic status compares to your economic status prior to moving to BC? (1) significantly improved (2) improved (3) remained the same (4) declined (5) significantly declined

    • It was suggested that we include an explanatory blurb for questions 6 and 7 indicating what some of these services may include

6) Since arriving in BC, how would you rate the BC government's ability to provide you with the resources and opportunities to fit in financially? (a) poor (b) somewhat poor (c) average (d) somewhat good (e) good (f) excellent

7) Since arriving in BC, how would you rate the BC government's ability to provide you with the resources and opportunities to fit in socially? (a) poor (b) somewhat poor (c) average (d) somewhat good (e) good (f) excellent

8) In your local municipality, how many services are you aware of that give immigrants an opportunity to adjust to their new cultural surroundings and meet other immigrants who are new to BC as well? (a) 0 (b) 1-2 (c) 3-5 (d) 5-8 (e) 8-10 (f) Over 10

ViaraGioreva02:17, 9 February 2011