Income inequality and opportunities among immigrants in BC

Perhaps, in order to overcome this issue of those who may not be interested in programs offered to immigrants, etc. for whatever reason, we should include a question that observes this. It could be something like "How important do you think that the opportunities and programs offered by the B.C. government is to you? 1. Very unimportant 2. Unimportant 3. Neutral - do not have an opinion 4. Important 5. Very important". Another could be asking if they had perhaps actively sought these programs, or are currently doing so, or whether they felt a need to depend on these programs when they immigrated here. This way we can make a distinction between those who have used the program and need the services provided versus those who have no interest in them.

I think that in regards to the concern on question 3, I like the previous suggestion of asking if their financial situation has improved since coming to B.C. compared to their last country. In this way, we might be able to tackle the issue of what exactly their financial situation was before immigrating, through comparison rather than trying to set a concrete measure (which as most people have pointed out is difficult due to wording of scale and differences in income and standard of living throughout the world).

I agree with Midas' input that we should expand the regions in question 2. It would help make our comparisons more accurate.

MinjeongShin07:26, 7 February 2011