Elementary and Secondary ESL programs within BC

Hey guys, so I have read this proposition on a question related to the ESL proficciency and overall success in immigrating. However, first of all I feel like this topic although very interesting, as it would proide us with answers as to why someone's immigation process is facilitated while others are not and the impact comming from their English profficiency, it might be a little hard to examine. I absolutely believe that there is some sort of causal link, I have lived here with my famimly for 10 years and I do see a difference in my mom and dad's fluency in the English language, however, their level of English does not seem to affect their interaction or success within the community or even their job acquisition when they arrived (a small accent may not infringe on a lot!) Not all immigrants take ESL courses, and a lot who do, like it was mentioned, are most likely to be older than high school students, as before that age, it is expected that they will learn at school and due to their age, they are able to acquire it quicker. Also, those who do come later, as adults may also come with an offer already, or a job waiting for them, so in relaity IF they do not have already acquired fluency in ENglish, their lives may not be affected that much in a negative way, take the Asian population- a loooot do not even speak fluent English aand still manage to live successfuly every day lives (perhaps not as integated in to the "Canadian" society thogh).

I just feel this is a difficult topic to research to be honest, but if there is more support on this topic I am open to feedback!

Mayramariavillarreal05:27, 7 February 2011