Q4. Do you think climate change will have an affect on Canada/Vancouver in...

The question and comment rased by Shannon gets to the crux of the matter. Ones perception of future climate change impacts. I am worried that 'Canada' is quite broad and will be very difficult for the surveyee to respond to easily and giving years may require some expert/education on the matter. I personally believe climate change will have an affect but would not comfortable estimating when?

We could rephrase it to be driven towards an individual.

What kind of effect to do you think climate change will have on your life in the next ___ years? and maybe put a intro phrase in first like: Climate change has brought effects of temperature increases, pollution, soil erosion, arable land availabilty and many others to Canada and this phenomena is believed to be increasing...what kind of effect...

and a 1-5 scale of Strong Affect Somewhat Affect Neutral Little Affect No Affect

Aarondeep Bains00:40, 6 February 2011