Q4. Do you think climate change will have an affect on Canada/Vancouver in...

Ok sorry but I am very confused about this question. What are we trying to gauge here? When people think climate change will effect them or their region? or How large a possible impact on them will be? - This is a super case sensitive question where answers will be very varied and could pose difficulty in the analysis of data post survey. If we want to understand how people feel about climate change, its timeline and perhaps the region they live in then we should have potential uses for such data in mind. 25 or 50 seems very arbitrary to an individual who may have little to know experience in climate change literature etc. Perhaps something along this line:

Do you believe climate change will personally affect your life choices (such as consumption choices, fuel type etc. - whatever we like here) in the next ___ years (I personally feel that anything more than 20 years is too much to logically gauge in ones life, so 10 or 15 should be good)? and even adding an intro sentence such as Climate change has had pronounced international effects with rising temperatures, increases (yes increases, not decreases, error above) in arable land and climate pattern changes. Do you believe...

What do you guys think?

Aarondeep Bains03:46, 8 February 2011