Q4. Do you think climate change will have an affect on Canada/Vancouver in...

Option A: Climate change will have a lasting effect on Canada's environment in the next 50 years. (1) Strongly Agree (2) Somewhat Agree (3) Neutral (4) Somewhat Disagree (5) Strongly Disagree (6) Not Applicable

Option B: Climate change will have a noticeable effect on Canada's environment in the next ___ a)25 years b)50 years c)100 years d)0 years - Climate change HAS ALREADY noticeably affected Canada's environment e)Not Applicable - Climate change will NOT have a lasting effect on Canada's environment.

Or as AarondeepBains mentions, Option C: Climate change has brought effects of temperature increases, pollution, soil erosion, [decreases in] arable land availability and many others to Canada, and this phenomena is believed to be increasing. What kind of effect do you think climate change will have on your life in the next [50] years? a)Strong Effect b)Some Effect c)Neutral d)Little Effect e) No Effect f) Not Applicable

Put side by side, Option B seems to be a better measure of how much of an impact environmental changes will have, by putting the survey question choices into # of years. Option A does have the flaw of arbitrarily deciding on '20' or '50' years as the tipping point. The third question asks something a bit different from the first two. It runs into the same 'problem' of picking a certain # of years as the tipping point [I put in 50 years for now. If it were to be left blank, then that would mean the Question would be affected in 2 ways: "what kind of effect" and "# of years"].

I choose to support Option B as the Q4.

NielChah04:52, 6 February 2011