moved? Q2. Individual efforts (eg. ...) make substantial differences in environmental issues such as climate change?

moved? Q2. Individual efforts (eg. ...) make substantial differences in environmental issues such as climate change?

Q2. "Individual efforts (eg. recycling, composting, biking, using public transit etc.) make substantial differences in environmental issues such as climate change?"

(1)strongly agree (2)somewhat agree (3)neutral (4)somewhat disagree (5)strongly disagree

JesSimkin03:34, 3 February 2011

I really like this version of the question, which reflects what I was looking for but I was not able to phrase it. However, it appears to me now that people might find it hard to give only one answer to different kind of actions. For example someone might find it very important to recycle but less to bike etc. But I don't really how to improve this as we have only 5 questions. Therefore I suggest that we keep it but being conscious that the answer will measure more a general faith in individual efforts rather than a precise indicator of what they think is good or not. I guess it is alright as long as we are conscious of that limit.

CarolineJankech09:05, 3 February 2011

This question looks very similar to question 3.

Aarondeep Bains04:42, 4 February 2011

What about a question concerning something about individuals habitual changes in relation to media coverage? e.g. Do news reports (independant variable) on increased climate change or oil deficiencies etc, make you consider altering your lifestyle in order to make it more environmentally friendly (dependant variable)?

I know the questions phrasing isn't great, but I think the topic of habits being changed by the media would be interesting.

It can be measured by, 1 = strongly agree, 2= agree, 3= don't know, 4= disagree, 5= strongly disagree, if we change the phrasing to;

News reports on increased climate change issues or oil deficiencies etc, make me consider altering my lifestyle in order to make it more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

AnnaDougan07:38, 4 February 2011

I like this question about "Individual efforts (eg. ...) make substantial differences in environmental issues such as climate change?". It asks about opinion which is always difficult to measure, but the fact that we will also be providing them with options to choose from might limit the difficulty of measuring. So I say thos question can be a keeper!

AsenaCansuYildiz02:23, 6 February 2011