Q1. "Is cost a factor in your decision to make sustainable choices?" (1)Yes (2)No

Concerning this question I am worried about the fact that "a factor" is to vague and does not measure how important is the factor in question. i.e we won't know if cost influences a little bit or a lot their decision. Therefore I suggest that we change it for

In which proportion does cost influence your decision to make sustainable choices? OR

How would you measure the influence of the cost on your decision to make sustainable choices on a scale from 1 to 5 (or 3 or 4 etc)

and then we should find a nice way for different answers (which I haven't found) and we can decide if we define 1 to 5 with numbers or with words, like 1 = cost is the only factor that influences my decision, 2= cost is one but not the major factor that influences my decision, 3= cost is a minor factor 4=i don't consider the cost when taking such a decision

or something like that but better said!!!

CarolineJankech09:15, 3 February 2011