General Discussion

( Sorry in advance for my english I'm an exchange student) 1. I agree too that the questions should be focused on environmental practices rather than on opinions. I think that the main aspects of what we can consider as sustainability in anyone's everyday life are : food, transport, energy (light/water) as you already mentioned. So let's try to each write 5 questions about it and then we can discuss them. 2. On other question I would find interesting would be : Do you think that environmental issues can be solved by changing individual's behavior? Or something similar to know if the people believe that it is their role to make the change happen or if they are waiting for the government to be responsible for it. I don't know what you think about it? Because if we know that they don't believe a) that is their role to make the change happen, and b) that even if they think it's their role they also believe that it is impossible without further political decisions from the government, it could also be a good indirect indicator of how implicated they are in the issue and why they are acting in a "sustainable" way or not? 3. Concerning the questions I think that they are a few points we should be aware of: - Sometimes people don't do things not because they don't want to but because they are not able to. E.g I want to compost but there are no compost bin in my neighborhood. Or I want to bike but I work in an area that is not accessible with the bike (too far etc.). - If we ask young people they might be still living at their parent's house and not choose how things are done, so we should find a way to avoid those obstacles. - As mentioned by Aaron I think it is very important to find concrete way of measuring the behaviors. For example when we ask about recycling we could give different options (paper, cardboard, cans,etc.) so that they can tick only one or more of them.

CarolineJankech00:17, 27 January 2011