General Discussion

This looks like great work everyone. I believe there is a very large body of work on climate change. It is disputed but it is the most highly cited and academically referred to. That is the IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which is the UN run institution which releases studies and is connected to the various smaller groups such as the Arctic Council etc. The problem is not with a definitive set of research but rather access to research. Only about five percent of the population on average is informed on global and international matters and regularly reads the international news (a majority of this percentage is usually involved in university education and are commonly students like us). The vast majority of people are not informed on international affairs, of which global warming is a part. The extent to which global warming is becoming localised is a focus we could also take. Veronica you hit the spot with the question types. I was thinking about how to ask people as well, and we could say things like "how much do you recycle a week" (and use amounts etc, half bin, full bin, newspapers etc.), and or does your work recycle, and how much etc. Sustainable is a very difficutl thing to define as people have different opinions as I am sure we fifteen alone have very different definitions of it. Finances cannot be avoided. Let us focus as much as possible and find the essence of the issue in order to configure questions on its various forms. Lots of thinking ahead :).

Aarondeepbains23:04, 26 January 2011