General Discussion

Hey guys, I apologize for my late contribution to this discussion but I think so far you guys are all making great progress. I understand as a few of you guys said we can have several research questions but as Veronica was saying I also think it is important to have one or two solid questions so that we are all on the same page in terms of how we are framing the questions and what goals we are looking to achieve in our survey. I also think one of the research questions should involve the link between education/area of study and environmental practices. I definitely believe that how much education one has regarding environmental issues is linked to citizens sustainability choices. The more aware one is, the more likely they are to make more sustainable choices in their day to day lives.

We could also make a question regarding how difficult each participant believes it is to make sustainable choices in their day to day lives. I guess that correlates with the question of cost being a factor as written in question one but there are other factors other than cost such as convenience, time, etc that also goes into people's calculations as I believe Caroline mentioned earlier. In order to solve this issue we could define"cost" in terms of the trade-offs that people consider in being more sustainable or in economic terms: opportunity cost. So for example, by taking the bus to school every day, it may be more sustainable but that means that it will take an extra half an hour or so to get to school where as driving their car would take much less time. I may just be rambling but let me know if I am in anyway helping this discussion. I will try to come up with a concrete question soon.

ArielWeber07:01, 3 February 2011